10 novembre, 2006

Travaillons un peu : SOA dans les faits !

Les architectures orientés Services (SOA - Services Oriented Architecture) sont le dernier artéfact des éditeurs de logiciels pour mettre en place et consolidé les systèmes d'informations dans leur globalité. Derrière ces technologies se cache beaucoup de marketing et des visions souvent pertinente mais complexe à appliquer et mettre en oeuvre dans des systèmes industriels qui ont des années de vie et des histoires qui sont intimement liées à des produits et des usages propres aux comptes.

Ainsi, beaucoup cherchent des méthodes et des approches permettant de mettre en place ces services ou tout au moins de définir des démarches dans la mise en place de ces architectures et de ces outils... Souvent ces réflexions se révèlent être des puits sans fond en terme de budgets et des rêves dignes de Luther King pour ce qui est de la mise en place opérationnelle des concepts...

Dans ce contexte, certains ont décrits les architectures SOA : SOA Facts !

Et je crois que tout est dis ...

  • SOA is the only thing Chuck Norris can't kill.

  • SOA invented the internet, and the internet was invented for SOA.

  • SOA is not complex. You are just dumb.

  • In the last year, SOA increased Turkey's GDP by a factor of 10.

  • One person successfully described SOA completely, and immediately died.

  • Another person successfully described SOA completely, and was immediately outsourced.

  • Larry Ellison once died in a terrible accident, but was quickly given SOA. He came back to life, built a multibillion dollar software company, and now flies fighter jets.

  • Guns don't kill people, the SOA WS-* stack kills people.

  • SOA can write and compile itself.

  • SOA is an anagram for OSA, which means female bear in spanish. It is a well-known fact in the spanish-speaking world that female bears are able to model business processes and optimize reusable IT assets better than any other hibernating animal.

  • SOA is so great 10 facts aren't enough.

  • SOA is the mistress to all CIOs.

  • SOA is just one letter away from SOB. On purpose.

  • If a tree falls in the forest, SOA knows about it.

  • If you google 'SAP' and 'Chuck Norris', the top site is SOA Facts.

  • SOA is being used in the developing world to solve hunger. Entire populations will be fed on future business value.

  • SOA can always win at TicTacToe. Even if you go first.

  • SOA singlehandedly saved SOA's bacon.

  • J2EE can sometimes make a diamond from a lump of coal. SOA can make diamonds from air.

  • SOA knows what you did last summer, and is disappointed that it wasn't SOA.

  • SOA thought Mensa too easy, so it founded Sensa. SOA is the only member.

  • In a battle between a ninja and a jedi, SOA would win.

  • SOA violates the first and third laws of thermodynamics. But not the second, as all energy flows from SOA.

  • On the eigth day, God created SOA, then SOA created Rock and Roll.

  • Pluto is no longer the ninth planet, because SOA wanted the job.

  • SOA taught Chuck Norris everything he knows.

  • SOA is the secret ingredient that makes the colonel's chicken so tasty.

  • For years Theoretical Physicists have searched for a grand unified theory that explains the architecture of everything ... DUH ... SOA

  • SOA can't be named BOA (Business Oriented Architecture) since that would be too constricting for SOA.

  • SOA is also a yoga posture that consists of performing all other yoga postures simultaneously.

  • Dante has a special level in hell for consultants whose resumes do not say SOA.

  • SOA is the correct answer to all zen koans.

  • Mike Tyson never physically beat an opponent. He 'Edumacated' them about SOA.

  • SOA is a power source more efficient than nuclear, cleaner than solar/wind, more available than coal, and more geopolitically stable than oil. Its too bad you can't afford it.

  • SOA can do it in one line.

  • "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of SOA." - Jane Austen, opening line to Pride and Prejudice.

  • The first rule of SOA is you do not talk about SOA.

  • SOA in a Nutshell is 7,351 pages spread over 10 volumes.

  • Absolute power corrupts absolutely. So does SOA.

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